The lifestyle you keep determines in the long run the financial class you eventually fall into whether rich, middle class or poor.The world is always handing us opportunities of a lifetime, every day of our lives, and we all too often fail to see them. Each day we are handed equal amount of time and the way we spent it is entirely dependent on us.Time is one natural resource that can not be saved.It can only be spent.The best way to manage time is to spend it well. How well do you spend your time?


The difference between the rich and the poor can be traced to their time management. While the former spend most of their time on productive  ventures, the later do the exact opposite. In the coming years ahead, there will be a hundred people like Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote and successful companies like Microsoft and Dangote cement. More over there will be many more poor people as well.The choice is all yours. Remember! a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Below are a list of description of the top ten lifestyles that will accelerate  your journey down poverty lane. May it never be your portion

  1. Lacking The Culture of Saving: Saving is the first step towards building a money empire. Remember, a part of what you earn is yours to keep. Some people spend all they earn. It is suicidal.Pay your self first and never be tempted to dip your hands into your savings for no just cause. 
  2. Keeping up with the Joneses is a lifestyle that will send you speedily down poverty lane. Surprisingly many nigerians do it. They want to “belong” and as such,the money that could have been save for investment is wasted in an attempt to keep up with the joneses. Imagine a young lady who earns 100k a month buying for herself a samsung galaxy note of about 84k. Mind you, she already has a blackberry curve 2. When I ask her why she did it, all she could say is “All my friends have it”. 
  3. Keeping bad company: Birds of the same feather flock together. The company you keep determines who you become.Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events while small minds gossip people. You ought to surround yourself with positive thinkers who should inspire and motivate you and not with bunch of drunkards, cultists and gossipers.
  4. Having No financial goals: You need to set financial goals for yourself that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound.What do you want to accomplish this year or in 5 years time? 
  5. Not being open-minded: The world is constantly changing. Land was wealth 300 years ago. So the person who owned the land owned the wealth. Later wealth was in factories and production and today, wealth is in information. And the person who has the most timely information owns the wealth. So many are struggling today, often working harder, simply because they cling to old ideas. Join the trend or the world will leave you behind. Today there is instant gram, twitter, Facebook, google plus, youtube and other social tools helping people to grow their business. The question is: have you joined the ban wagon? Learn something new today, something trending so as to key into our ever changing world. 
  6. No investment skills: Your job alone can not cater for all your needs. You need to become a sophisticated investor. Investment is the science of money making more money. You have to keep learning new skills that will make you smile to the bank. Now is the time to brainstorm on how to convert your talents and passions into a money tree.
  7. Flirting: I am not saying people should not flirt but overdoing it is the problem. All those cash you waste on those beautiful girls trying to paint the picture that you are the latest “Wizkid” on the block are seed capital for the take off or that dream business or project.
  8.  Partying: The idea of always celebrating anything and everything may not augur well in todays’ economy. That money spent on child dedication parties and birthday parties could be used to buy bonds and other investment portfolio for that child etc.
  9.  Idleness: An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. remember winners never quit.Some people have already given up on everything about this life because to them, life has been unfair. Get up, stand up and try again. There is no true success without failure. Don’t be idle, don’t give up. It is not yet over.
  10. Fear: many people are so scared to start a business, a project an investment, etc. They want to play it safe. They don’t want to take any risk. The fear of the unknown is what is keeping them from smiling to the bank. The word “Fear not” appears so many times in the Holy Bible. Whatever is the doubt in your mind, just say to yourself “Fear not”.


5 Simple Ways of putting hot money into your wallet before Christmas”ember months”

As the curtain gradually draws to a close for the year 2013, there is absolutely no doubt in my heart that while some young Nigerians would have made it to the millionaires Hall of Fame, many more will find their selves further down poverty line due to their ignorance and not taking action.From  the world of entertainment, into fashion, sports, agriculture, information technology and many more are ample opportunities to grow wealth, of which some smart young minds have already carved a name for themselves. Let us pause here and ask ourselves these vital questions: 

What is the state of your financial health?

How many assets have you grown today?  

Are you still living with your parents? 

If you sincerely think you scored well then no need to read further. Jazz out from here!, but if you need to put some money, “Egole”, “Okuk”, into your wallet, then read on, for your story is about to change. Something is about to happen,Poverty shall never be your portion and you shall grow from strength to strength. Below are a list of five simple ways of making at least N200 000.00 before Christmas. However be warned, this is not a get rich quick scheme. Remember “Garbage in garbage out”. Also you must be passionate about making money or just forget this adventure and wait for manna to fall down from the sky.


Some called it distributor, salesman, whatever, but all I know is that there are selling a product or a service. Yes there are tons of product out there for sales but the most innovative and unique products  are the ones we shall be looking at. 

Health products such as blood pressure and blood glucose meters are some of the things that ought to be in every home. No gain saying that stroke and high blood pressures are the leading killer diseases inside Nigeria and regular monitoring of your blood pressure and glucose levels is the best preventive measure.

 Security products such as spy cameras, spy clocks, alarm door locks, tracking devices, cctv, shocking devices and others in this category are also hot products especially in this era of Boko haram, armed robbery and kidnappings.

Others include sales of laptops, tablets, used smartphones and its accessories. 

All you need is to get as many mobile contacts as possible of potential customers starting with the people you know in your neighbourhood and send them bulk ams (which is very cheap). When they begin to opt-in, follow them up.

2. KIDDIES ENTERTAINMENT:  Have you got what it takes to make kids happy?.Do you consider yourself funny?.Infact kids are much easier to entertain than adults. You will need to find out which cartoon characters that kids in your neighbourhood admire so much and make it available to them. Kiddies toys, santa claus comes to town shows, kiddies birthday celebrations. Last year it was “azonto” and barney that freaked them.

3. POULTRY FARMING:  Have you got a spacious and secured backyard?, you can convert it into a poultry house and raise meat birds which takes up to 10 weeks to grow to maturity. Even if you do not have the  start up capital, you may enter into a partnership or joint venture with someone. Return on investment is 40% upwards and the stress isn’t that much. 

4. ENTER FREE CONTEST: There are thousands of free contest available each day to participate. Why not stop idling your time and enter into contests. It might sound strange to some people, but the reality is that people are carting home millions of Naira, smart phones, LCD, etc every day. From big contests like “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”, “Big Brother Africa”, “MTN Project Fame”,etc to smaller contest like essay  and writing competitions, “Gulder Ultimate Show (GUS)10 Fans edition”, e.t.c, lots of people are winning things free of charge. Infact I have personally won an adroid phone, DSTV Walka7, Polo and a cap from the GUS 10 and hopefully looking forward to win the ultimate prize: a brand new Mitsubishi Pajero  3.0 GLX next week.  

5. SPORTS BETTING SHOP: Gambling is one activity that will always win addicts. Infact the number of gamblers is on the rise and comprises mostly youths who want to “hammer”  and so opening an outlet in your environs can not be more timely. The most common sport bettings  are football and horse racing. “Baba Ijebu” is another. So you choose which one to go for.

Wish you luck as we all get said to rock christmas in two months time. Your contribution is more than welcome. Thanks

Edet Archibong


Nigeria At 53: Any Hope? Any Future For our youths?

A fortnight ago, Nigeria celebrated her 53rd independence from colonial rule and there is no gain-saying that the visions of the founding fathers of a united Nigeria has remained but a fleeting illusion. Five decades on, Nigeria is still lacking behind in the committee of nations in terms of good infrastructure, stable power supply, quality education and unemployment. Last week, over ten thousand youth corps members were thrown into the bleak labour market with a strong message “Go and start a business” and with no financial support.

With the looming global economic uncertainty, work force down-sizings, unfavourable government reforms, one wonders what the future holds for the Nigerian youth. Is there any hope? Today, the notion of going to school and upon graduation getting a good paying job no longer holds water.In a bid to survive the harsh economic climate, some youths have joined armed robbery gangs, kidnappings, terror groups such as the dreaded Boko Haram to mention but a few as a means of earning a livelihood.  

However, in the midst of this supposedly stumbling blocks are ample opportunities of growing and amassing wealth and waving bye bye to poverty. Indeed only the most informed individuals can survive in today’s world.That is all this blog sets out to do; yes you read me  right. In subsequent publications, I shall be exposing  and discussing various money making opportunities available to the nigerian youths. Keep a date with me. Let’s share and learn